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Category: NICE Knowledge Base

48 blogs

8 Compelling Benefits of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is the new buzz-phrase for organizations. Everybody wants the benefits of employee engagement, but many are going about it the wrong way. By its nature, “engagement” connotes a two-way relationship. The question is what comes first? It’s a bit like the old chicken or egg conundrum. Do we expect employees to engage with the organization or do we expect the organization to engage with employees?

How to Improve Employee Engagement

When it comes to employee engagement, the research and survey data consistently find that engaged employees perform better, churn less, and are happier at work. That’s not surprising. The tricky part is knowing how to foster engagement such that employees are motivated, personally invested in their work, and committed to their own success and the success of the business.

Performance Coaching Program in 5 steps

Organizations can train and incentivize employees until the cows come home and still not achieve the performance goals they desire. Furthermore, employees may be trying their best to meet KPI goals and receive the promised rewards, yet they still fall short and are not sure how or what to change. In situations like these, performance coaching can make all the difference.

With Voice Identification, You Know Who’s Calling

Voice Identification, also known as voice recognition or speaker recognition, is a biometric technology that is being adopted by call centers that must authenticate each caller before they can provide service. Voice identification uses the innate biological characteristics of a person’s voice to create a voiceprint that is unique to that person. Its biometric properties make voice identification difficult to spoof. It’s also easier for users who no longer need to remember passwords or the answers to security questions. With voice identification, there is nothing to forget or lose. The authentication is part of the person.

Four Main Steps of Strategic Workforce Planning

Is yours a company that engages in strategic workforce planning and as a result, is reaping the benefits of having the right people in the right jobs at the right time? If so, you know the makeup and capabilities of your current workforce. You’ve planned for future scenarios based on company growth. And you constantly review and take proactive steps to align your workforce with the future you foresee.